Saturday, 8 May 2010

The Rotaract District 1140 Ball - The Oscars hosted by Woking Rotaract 08/05/2010

The Woking Holiday Inn was the site for the first District 1140 ball of the new decade. The theme this year for the ball, was 'the Oscars.' A drinks reception, followed by a three course meal, began proceedings. We were then treated to a presentation from a representative of the Rainbow Trust (, the chosen charity for the evening.

A raffle then followed and Jules Velati of Woking announced the winners over the PA System. In a nod to the Oscars, many of the winners (Jule's work colleagues, mostly) "sadly could not be here" on the night to collect their prizes. Due to the random nature of a raffle, they were unable to send a message via video link.

There also were games on the periphery of the ball room (such as a guess the buried treasure on a map game, a guess the sweets in a jar game and Jenga). If you won some of the games you would recieve a coveted Oscar statue and a cash prize.

The evening concluded with more games of Jenga . There was also plenty of action on the dance floor with Mark from Woking, John from Epsom and Andrew from Woking Rotary most notably providing weird and wonderful dance moves. The DJ provided some suitably catchy cheesy music, such as Ice, Ice Baby and the Macarena. A fully staffed, licensed bar was on hand to assist in proceedings.

Rotaractors, Rotarians and friends helped raise £1015 for the Rainbow Trust. A hearty well done to Woking Rotaract for organising the event and to all who attended!

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